Danielle Cliche
Chief, Section on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions;
Secretary, 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
Danielle worked as Research Manager for the European Institute for Comparative Cultural Research ERICarts until 2009 when she took over her present position as Chief, Section of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Since joining ERICarts/ECURES in 1997, she has been responsible for managing large transnational comparative research projects with teams of academic researchers, artists, policy makers and cultural managers in over 40 countries. She has been involved in all ERICarts flagship projects and has been responsible for organising project related European and international conferences. These activities received supportthe European Union, the Council of Europe, UNESCO, the International Network on Cultural Policies, national governments and foundations. Before she worked as a researcher on behalf of the Canadian Federal Department of Communications Ottawa, the Arts Council of Finland Helsinki, the Council of Europe's Task Force on Culture and Development, the International Institute for Communications London and the World Bank. She published several books and reports in the fields of culture and communication.
- Access / participation
- Cultural policies / arts administration
- Diversity / intercultural studies
- Economics / creative industries
- Internat. relations / cult. diplomacy
- Mass media (press, TV/radio, film)
- Socio-cultural and gender studies
- Independent research institutes/Observatories
- Official European/Inter-governmental bodies
Unesco HQ7, Place de Fontenoy